Just check the map to see where you live.
If you are in Waikato-Coromandel Region, Greater Manawatu region, or Christchurch Selwyn Region across to Cheviot you are in the regions that use the EGL Approach to Assessment and self management of disability funding. If you are bordering the region, call the EGL organisation below to clarify if you are in the EGL region.
If your in any other part of New Zealand, (eg Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga Dunedin or other) you are in the NASC Region.
EGL and NASC- What are the differences?
Enabling Good Lives is a newer Approach to Disability funding and self management that is based on "8 core principles based on respect for disabled people and their whanau to be more involved in decision making surrounding their lives and support."
What that translates to process wise in very 'broad strokes' is instead of a number of organisations providing Needs Assessment Service Co-Ordination (see NASC infographic) There is just one organisation in each EGL region you approach for Application and Assessment. If you are in the EGL regions- the following Organisations can assist in getting you started and confirming you are in the EGL zone. If you were in a school that was in the EGL region, you can apply through EGL too.
To contact EGL in your region...
EGL Waikato-Coromandel Region-
Organisation-Ministry of Social Development-
Email enabling_good_lives_waikato@
EGL Christchurch Region-
Enabling Good Lives CHCH
info@eglives.co.nz Phone: 0800 225 570
Text: 021 225 5918
Lifelinks CHCH
Phone 0800 866 877 Email referrals@nrcentre.co.nz or community@lifelinks.co.nz or office@lifelinks.co.nz
EGL Mid Central Region-
Organisation- Mana Whaikaha
Email - admin@manawhaikaha.co.nz Phone: 0800 MANA 55 (62 62 55) Website: www.manawhaikaha.co.nz
EGL v NASC Similarities and differences
In short EGL Uses "Connectors" AKA 'Independent Facilitators' They assist the disabled person through their Application and Assessment-Help access and use your flexible EGL personal budget, help with a support plan, life goals and assist in connecting with local community for help in line with the EGL principles of fulfilling the potential for a best life.
NASC uses 'Needs assessment service co-ordinators'- in practical terms they also are 'Facilitators'- much like 'connectors' as described in EGL, however they have a more 'basic' definition of their roles to;
1) Facilitate Needs Assessment
2) Service planning and Co ordination
3) Resource allocation within a defined budget
They sound the same? Are they different?
The EGL approach, implies more comprehensive assistance, being allocated to one 'connector' throughout the application and Assessment process. EGL have their own Application and Assessment process to NASC. EGL will have their own 'in house' processes, but this likely will differ between the 3 regions rather than NASC that has many organisations throughout NZ.
NASC implies more basic and defined approach to assistance, being allocated to one or some co ordinators during the Application and Assessment process, and have their own unique application and Assessment processes compared to EGL's. Their being many NASC providers, they will all have their own 'in house' processes to Applications and Assessment.
Whether you fall into EGL or NASC regions, one principle still applies- Prepare, prepare, prepare for the best assessment outcome. (See Prepare fror NASC appt)