IF Funding Host Provider Contact List

Right, so you know the difference between NASC Assessment Services, and IF Host Providers? If not, click here

NASC Needs assessors- Assess your funding application & Approval, then after approval, refer you to ...

IF Host Providers- Facilitate your IF funding budget, respite & home care, IF purchasing approval

Here are a list of Individualised Funding Host Providers throughout NZ


Nationwide Individualised Funding Provider for people with Disabilities.

Contact info@manawanui.org.nz. 0508 462427


Homecare Support Services for all ages Nationwide

  • Range of Homecare, Assist with IF disability host funding through its Funding Platform
  • Home Services include, Respite care, serious injury support, Dementia care, Palliative care, and post Op care
  • ACC Funding  'Living my Life' services- 1) Facilitated Pathway Map- Life goal setting 2)Tailored Support- Daily Support and engaging in activities 3) Independent Facilitation- Helping you access community support services. 
  • Regions include Auckland and Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Central region, Wellington and South island- Click here to contact

https://www.careoncall.nz/  0800 66 44 22


Community Social Development Organisation supporting the immediate needs of people and families living with hardship

  • Disability Support Services for people who have disability IF funding, budgeting support and flexibility.
  • Homecare Services
  • Types of IF support include 1) Personal Care 2) Household Management 3) Respite Care
  • Handy link on how Individualised funding works

 https://www.lifewise.org.nz/   MichelleS@lifewise.org.nz    09 302 5390


    Offer a range of in home care, care plans and hosting  individualised Funding.

    • ChCh based, teams in Nelson, Marlborough, Otago, Southland
    • Support for Serious Injury recovery, respite care
    • Assist with Individualised Funding 'host' services after Needs assessment & Service co-ordination (NASC) enquiry.
    • Enable and support goal setting to encourage increased choice and control to live better lives.   

    Contact  https://www.florence2care.co.nz/contact-us


    NZ Organisation Offering Support Programmes, Funding Grant, social membership groups and information relating to those with Cerebral Palsy. You must be a registered member.

    • Offers funded 'Get' Programmes, Mobility and transport, Physical activities, Small disability products, Counselling, Law (Assistance with Wills, Trusts etc)  
    • Offers E-Card funding for use of the above 'Get Programmes' and with Retailers registered to CPS Society, incl Sensory Sam. 
    • Offers Individual, Organisational and Academic Grants to members.
    cpsociety@cpsociety.org.nz    0800 503 603 ext _____________________________________________________________________________________________


     Family owned kiwi Health services 25 years. Offer homecare support, physiotherapy, Rehab, Nursing and many other services.

    • Based in Auckland with Clinics in:
    • -Suite 1D, 95 Ascot Ave, Greenlane, Auckland, and
    • WestCity, Waitakere i-Medical Centre, Shop 123, 7 Catherine Street, Henderson

    Email: clinic@healthvision.co.nz Phone 0508733377 (option3)



     Vision:Every person with a disability deserves a life of choice, freedom and independence. A provider of services for New Zealanders who live with disability.  SC is the services subsidiary of Spectrum Foundation. Operating for 20+ years.

    • Home Care, Accommodation support, respite, independent living support, ACC living my life, Advocacy services.
    • Based in :Level 2, 205 Great South Rd
      Greenlane, Auckland 1051 Phone 096343790
    • 103 Tawa Street Melville, Hamilton 3206
    • 250 Cuba St Te Aro, Wellington 6011
    • Helpful Disability support 'Navigator' service provided 0508 NAVIG8! 0508 628448


    IDEA Services supports people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy great lives as part of their communities.- Nationwide.

    • Supported living, Residential support, Healthy Aging, Specialist services for high and complex needs.
    • Northern Regional Office- 48 Enterprise Street Birkenhead Auckland 0626 Phone 09529 8716 Email northern@idea.org.nz
    • IDEA Services Midcentral Regional Office- 13 Ti Street Rotorua 3010  Phone 07 348 1451 Email  midcentral@idea.org.nz
    • IDEA Services Central Regional Office- 62 Grey Street Palmerston North 4410 Phone 06 350 9372 Email central@idea.org.nz
    • IDEA Services Southern Regional Office-Level 2 7 Winston Avenue Papanui CHCH 8053 Phone 03 3419299 Email southern@idea.org.nz


     CCS Disability Action is a disability support and advocacy organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand, supporting people with impairments of any type, based on EGL approach. Established in 1935.

    • Provide Disability support, Learning and training for inclusive work environment, Library and resources focused around Disabilities.
    • Click here for Nationwide branches contact information (25 branches)


     Region dependant Offers Residential accommodation service, work Transition service, day and community participation activities to adults with an intellectual disability. 


     Provides Home healthcare, and Individualised Funding services for older adults and people with disabilities in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga Rotorua and Taupo Regions. 

    • Provides many services including Personal Care, Home Help, Respite care, Disability support, and IF management.
    • Auckland office Head Office Office 81 Level 1 Northwest Shopping Centre Northwest Auckland 0814
    • Waikato Level 1, 71 Seddon Rd Frankton Hamilton 3204
    • Bay of Plenty Level 1, 1334 Cameron Rd Gate Pa Tauranga 3112
    • Rotorua/Taupo 1260 Haupapa St Rotorua 3010
    • Phone 0800 222 040 Email healthcare@visionwest.org.nz