Update! IF Purchasing Guidelines Now Include Sensory Toys and Weighted Products

On April 24th, Whaikaha released clarifications on 'Purchasing Rules for Flexible Funding'.

Here are the key updates:

New Approved Items for Self-Management

You can now purchase the following items for a disabled person within a flexible funding allocation period, on a one-off basis:

  • Electronic tablet devices
  • Noise-cancelling headphones
  • Sensory toys, fidget spinners, etc.
  • Weighted blankets

Whaikaha acknowledges that every person and situation is unique. If you have specific questions about how these changes apply to you, please contact your Needs Assessment and Service Coordination service (NASC)/Host or Enabling Good Lives site. They have been informed about these updates.

What Does This Mean for You?

The new guidelines mean items from Sensory Sam are likely to be covered. Here’s how you can proceed:

  • Ask Your Host Provider: Present them with an obligation-free quote from us.
  • Justify the Purchase: Explain how the item will assist the person with a disability.

Examples of Justification

Weighted Products (e.g., toys, blankets, compression sheets):

  • Promote Independence: A weighted blanket can help a person with a disability fall asleep without needing a carer's assistance. This can reduce the need for nighttime interventions.

  • Reduce Support Costs: Improved sleep can lead to calmer behaviour during the day, reducing the need for carer support hours.

Zen Zone Blackout Tent with Fidget Toys and Sensory Room Calming Environment (e.g., low-key bubble tube lighting):

  • Self-Regulation: A sensory blackout tent can help a person with a disability calm and self-regulate after sensory overload, requiring less carer intervention.
  • Develop Independence: Learning self-managing routines and strategies in a sensory environment can reduce the need for carer support hours.


Key Takeaways

Everyone’s needs are different. If you can justify that an item helps enable more independent tasks for a disabled person and potentially reduces ongoing support costs, it should align with the purchasing guidelines.


Need Help?

This is a new clarification, so if you’re unsure about quotes for specific Sensory Sam items, don’t hesitate to ask us. We’re here to help! You can also share feedback from your host providers with us at hello@sensorysam.co.nz.


Feel free to reach out with any questions!

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